Tag fingers


Pre-cum drips from Blayne cock tip! Next Door Male says: Sliding his hands into his underwear, Blayne pulls it out and begins to finger the pre-cum dripping slowly out of the tip, then commences spread his fingers around the base…

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Cy’s fingers started disappearing up his ass! Spunk Worthy says: With a little lube, Cy’s fingers started disappearing up his ass (I just gotta get him back to bottom again!) and, before long, cum was dripping down his body. See…

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Foreskin fans love 21 year old Alec uncut cock with its big foreskin!….. Spunk Worthy says: Alec is Nevin’s best friend since Alec and he signed up with the military. These two have a bit of a bro-mance going on,…

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Vic Rocco

Muscle bodybuilder Vic fingers his tight smooth muscular asshole!……. Men Over 30 says: Vic Rocco’s back at the locker room checking out the aftermath from the rigorous workout and he begins to take some pics of just how well he’s…

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