Andy Taylor and Davey Brooks

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Helix says: Andy Taylor starts each day full of optimism and with a smile as big as his bleeding heart. Today the passionate college boy is out petitioning to save the local animal shelter but as the afternoon wears on he begins getting more and more desperate for signatures.

Andy almost doesn’t know what to say when Davey Brooks agrees to sign his petition while slyly shooting him sexy glances. Davey is the kind of boy who knows what he wants and proves he isn’t afraid to take it as he effortlessly seduces the innocent Andy.

After some quick kisses Davey convinces the cute canvasser to come back to his apartment so they can practice their do-gooding together. Davey proceeds to warm up Andy’s tight little hole with some intense rimming before shoving in his sizeable twink dick.

Andy moans with pleasure as he rides Davey long and hard until both boys are exhausted and dripping in each other’s cum.


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Donald Temper
Donald Temper
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