Hottie young boy Chase Tyler ravaged by older daddies Ryan St. Michael and Felix Kamp’s huge dicks

Boy for Sale says: Horny older sexy men Felix Kamp and Ryan St. Michael suck and fuck young dude Chase Tyler’s hot holes.

Master St. Michael then got behind his purchase and dove into the boy’s hungry hole with his masterful tongue. After a deep tongue-fuck and some fingering, the hairy man stood up, and pointed his own rock-hard, curved cock at Chase’s hole.

He popped the head in first, with the rest of the shaft going into the willing boy’s chute with ease. The Master pounded the boy, getting him to moan in ecstasy. After some time at the perfect rhythm, Master St. Michael could feel his own balls tighten a bit.

He made the boy get on his back, then the successful buyer slid back into his prize’s hole, and let the boy know with just a stern gaze that he wanted their eyes locked as he unloaded inside. The man began to groan and grunt as he reached the hilt and spilled inside the hole he just bought and paid for. Chase, too, covered himself in his own seed.

Master St. Michael scooped some of the boy’s cum off his stomach and had him taste it, which Chase did hungrily and without any protest. Master leaned in and kissed his new slaveboy; the bid was absolutely worth it.

See all Chase Tyler gay hardcore fuck sessions at Boy for Sale here.

See all Ryan St Michael gay hardcore fuck sessions at Boy for Sale here.

See all Felix Kamp gay hardcore fuck sessions at Boy for Sale here.

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