Tyson Tyler and Damian Brooks

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Next Door Ebony says: It’s the classic story of boy meets boy at the gym. While Tyson Tyler gets his swell on with a set of dumbbells, Damian Brooks works out his glutes with some leg lifts.

Tyson likes what he sees and Damian can tell. After all, who wouldn’t be aroused by those shapely cheeks? Damian continues on to other exercises, but moves closer and closer to the incredibly sexy Tyson.

After only a few words muttered by Tyson in his hot Scottish accent, Damian is slurping his enormous, pulsating dick. Now this is the type of workout every guy should have routinely.

They move to the weight bench where Damian sucks some more. Then Tyson positions Damian for some sweet ass licking.

After Damian’s tight hole is nice and wet, Tyson inserts his mammoth erection and pounds Damian’s bubble butt.

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Donald Temper
Donald Temper
Articles: 9598

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